Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, University of Delaware, (2012)
M.S. in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, (2006)
B.S. in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, (2003)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Ma, G. "How Do Climate Change And Sea Level Rise Affect The Extreme Wave Heights In The Chesapeake Bay?" $5,499. Other. June 1, 2016 - May 31, 2017
- Ma, G. "Collaborative Research: The interaction of waves, tidal currents and river outflows and their effects on the delivery and resuspension of sediments in the near field. Federal. September 1, 2013 - August 31, 2016
Research Interests
Estuarine and Coastal Hydrodynamics, Coastal Hazard Assessment, Sediment Transport Dynamics, Wetland Hydrodynamics, Sea Level Rise Impacts, Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Niroomandi, A., Ma, G., Ye, X., Lou, S. and Xue, P. (2018). Extreme value analysis of wave climate in Chesapeake Bay. Ocean Engineering 159 , pp. 22-36.
- Lou, S., Liu, S. G., Ma, G., Zhong, G. H. and Li, B. (2018). Fully integrated modeling of surface water and groundwater in coastal areas. Journal of Hydrodynamics 30 (3) , pp. 441-452.
- Su, S. F. and Ma, G. (2018). Modeling two-dimensional infragravity motions on a fringing reef. Ocean Engineering 153 , pp. 256-267.
- Sha, L., Shuguang, L., Chaomeng, D., An, T., Bo, T., Ma, G., Chalov, R. S. and Chalov, S. R. (2017). Heavy metal distribution and groundwater quality assessment for a coastal area on a chinese island. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 26 (2) , pp. 733-745.
- Lou, S., Liu, S., Dai, C., Tao, A., Tan, B., Ma, G., Chalov, R. Sergeeyvich. and Chalov, S. Romanovich. (2017). Heavy Metal Distribution and Groundwater Quality Assessment for a Coastal Area on a Chinese Island.. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 26 (3).
- Keshtpoor, M., Puleo, J. A.., Shi, F. and Ma, G. (2015). 3D numerical simulation of turbulence and sediment transport within a tidal inlet. Coastal Engineering 96 , pp. 13-26.
- Ma, G., Kirby, J. T.., Hsu, T. and Shi, F. (2015). A two-layer granular landslide model for tsunami wave generation: Theory and computation. Ocean Modelling 93 , pp. 40-55.
- Su, S. F.., Ma, G. and Tsu, T. W.. (2015). Boussinesq modeling of spatial variability of infragravity waves on Fringing reefs. Ocean Engineering 101 , pp. 78-92.
- Grilli, S. T.., O'Reilly, C., Harris, J. C.., Bakhsh, T. T.., Tehranirad, B., Kirby, J. T.., Baxter, C., Eggeling, T., Ma, G. and Shi, F. (2015). Modeling of SMF tsunami hazard along the upper US East Coast: Detailed impact around Ocean City, MD. Natural Hazards 76 , pp. 705-746.
- Tian, M., Sheremet, A., Kaihatu, J. M.. and Ma, G. (2015). On the shoaling of solitary waves in the presence of short random waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography 45 , pp. 792-806.
- Tappin, D. R.., Grilli, S. T.., Harris, J. C.., Geller, R. J.., Masterlark, T., Kirby, J. T.., Shi, F., Ma, G., Thingbaijam, K. K.S.. and Mai, P. M.. (2014). Did a submarine landslide contribute to the 2011 Tohoku tsunami?. Marine Geology 357 , pp. 344-361.
- Ma, G., Shi, F., Hsiao, S. C.. and Wu, Y. T.. (2014). Non-hydrostatic modeling of wave interactions with porous structures. Coastal Engineering 91 , pp. 84-98.
- Ma, G., Su, S. F.., Liu, S. and Chu, J. C.. (2014). Numerical simulation of infragravity waves in fringing reefs using a shock-capturing non-hydrostatic model. Ocean Engineering (85) , pp. 54-64.
- Ma, G., Chou, Y. Ju. and Shi, F. (2014). A wave-resolving model for nearshore suspended sediment transport. Ocean Modelling 77 , pp. 33-49.
- Ma, G., Shi, F., Liu, S. and Qi, D. (2013). Migration of sediment deposition due to the construction of large-scale structures in Changjiang Estuary. Applied Ocean Research 43 , pp. 148-156.
- Ma, G., Kirby, J. E. and Shi, F. (2013). Numerical simulation of tsunami waves generated by deformable submarine landslides. Ocean Modelling 69 , pp. 146-165.
- Ma, G., Kirby, J. T.., Su, S., Figlus, J. and Shi, F. (2013). Numerical study of turbulence and wave damping induced by vegetation canopies. Coastal Engineering 80 , pp. 68-78.
- Ma, G., Shi, F. and Kirby, J. T.. (2012). Shock-capturing non-hydrostatic model for fully dispersive surface wave processes. Ocean Modelling 43-44 , pp. 22-35.
- Sheng, Y., Lapetina, A. and Ma, G. (2012). The reduction of storm surge by vegetation canopies: Three-dimensional simulations. Geophysical Research Letter 39 (L20601) , pp. doi: 10.1029/2012GL053577.
- Ma, G., Shi, F. and Kirby, J. T.. (2011). A polydisperse two-fluid model for surf zone bubble simulation. Journal of Geophysical Research 116 (C05010) , pp. doi: 10.1029/2010JC006667.
- Ma, G., Shi, F., Liu, S. and Qi, D. (2011). Hydrodynamic modeling of Changjiang Estuary: model skill assessment and large-scale structure impacts. Applied Ocean Research 33 , pp. 69-78.
- Shi, F., Kirby, J. T.. and Ma, G. (2010). Modeling quiescent phase transport of air bubbles induced by breaking waves. Ocean Modelling 35 , pp. 105-117.
- Ma, G., Liu, S. and Qi, D. (2007). Study of back-silting strength in the northern passage channel of Changjiang Estuary. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 26 , pp. 56-64.
- Ma, G., Liu, S. and Qi, D. (2006). Three dimensional hydrodynamic model of Yangtze Estuary. Journal of Hydrodynamics 21 , pp. 53-61.
- 2013 ASCE ExCEEd Teaching Fellow,